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Our terms and conditions are pretty simple.  We agree to let you list your business information and provide links to your website.  You agree that if we find anything offensive in your content, links, etc., we will remove them without prior notification to you.  We reserve the right to deny a business that may not be in the best interest of the community or remove due to false marketing, comments. etc.  It's free folks.

We also agree to keep this website operational to the best of our abilities and to help grow it's visibility in the online world.  This site may be short term or could go on for years - we'll just see how the communities embrace it.

You'll be good stewards of your information, attempt to the best of your ability to keep it up to date and to not make negative reviews or comments on any competitor listings.  We are all in this together to bring our goods and services to the public.  So we all agree to play nice.

Your information won't be sold, traded, bartered, etc. (your personal login information).  Your business information is public.  We won't sell it either, it's already available to anyone that wants to see it.